Event Details
Lunch is Served!
Are your personal and professional goals in alignment? If not, one (or both) could suffer. What strategies can you use to align your personal motivations with your business objectives? How can you find fulfillment and coordination in both?
We hope you'll join us at this LunchIN where we'll look at the challenges in finding that balance and how it can become a part of your business and personal strategies. Our facilitator for this discussion is Dr. Sara Davis, the Director of Community Engagement for the Family Enterprise Center at Kennesaw State University. Sara combines the lessons she learned in her own successful entrepreneurial journey, her extensive research into business trends, and her personal passion to help others find business success, to build practical applications for local businesses.
LunchIN' is quarterly boxed lunch event that includes an interactive learning discussion with a small business subject matter expert on important topics for business leaders.
Registration for this event is required / Limited Seating